Picture(s) a Day: Apr 6

Bottle of Lennon Tool Bar's Sesame Oil ink next to its minimal product box, against a black and wood pattern background

A couple fountain pen-related purchases came in the mail today. These inks weren't the only items that arrived, but they continue my brown ink kick/obsession/whatever you want to call it.

I was interested in Lennon Tool Bar's Sesame Oil ink because it had been mentioned in a Yoseka Stationery video, indicating it was a highly sought after ink, but it was sold out on their site. I asked on Mastodon where I might be able to get a bottle of it and a pen friend offered to pick it up from a local store and mail it to me. So nice of them!

The other ink is Jacques Herbin Lie de Thé, a brown ink I remembered mentioned as one of the most popular purchases on the Goulet Pens website. I like most of the Herbin inks I've tried, so I wasn't too fussed about picking this one up. I purchased this along with some nibs and some pen maintenance supplies from Fountain Pen Revolution.

Bottle of Lie de Thé with a folded nib pen on the built-in pen rest at the front of the bottle, a distinctive feature of this line of inks.

I acquired both of these inks without getting a sample first, which can be a risky proposition, but ultimately, I like the inks so far, phew! I will have to further explore them in relation to the rest of my collection, now that I've acquired so many brown inks (bottles and samples) recently. 😅