Picture a Day: Apr 26

Scan of a Fuji pack film monochrome image of the undersides of large, fan-like leaves, dotted with brown spots
I don't recall exactly where I took this image, but it could've been at a conservatory in Chicago, my best guess! This was shot with Fuji FP-3000B pack film, using a Polaroid Colorpack II Land Camera. The scan doesn't do this image justice. It looks more magical in person.

Technically today is the last day of Polaroid Week 2024 (I wish it went to Sunday; I'll probably post more Polas this weekend anyway 😛), and I had a hard time picking which picture to highlight for the last official day. I decided on this dreamy monochrome picture because of the interesting...film rot? I don't know what these brownish, bronzy dots are that developed on the image, but they kind of give the image a sparkly, magic fairy dust vibe. I am not sure how they came to be. I wish I knew, in case it is reproducible, but like a lot of things with film developing, they can be delightfully (or not) unexpected depending on the day and circumstance.

I'm tempted to seek out more expired instant film to make more quirky, grungy images, but thanks to scarcity, it may be expensive to do so. I'll have to balance it out with other hobby purchases (mainly fountain pen stuff) I want to make. But participating in Polaroid Week 2024 has reminded me how much I love shooting with this stuff and should do it more often.