Pictures a Day: Sep 22

Movie theatre screen showing "The Matrix" and ", password: steak"
AMC Mercado, the end of The Matrix credits, iPhone Pro Max 11

W00t, we went to see The Matrix at a theatre earlier this evening for its 25th anniversary (geeze, Louise... #IFeelOld). I kind of wish the audience would've been more engaged, cheering at certain scenes, or quietly quoting certain famous lines, kind of like a group of friends might do while watching a movie together. Instead the audience was pretty quiet and seemingly low-energy. 😕

Given our decent projector and sound setup at home and very crisp UHD Blu-Rays of the Matrix movies, I think we could've had a comparable/better experience had we watched it at home. But it was alright to get out of the house to do this, I guess. We had gone to the theatre 5 years ago for the 20th anniversary (funnily enough, the same theatre complex we went to tonight), but given tonight's experience, I'm not sure I'd bother going for a 30th anniversary, unless they do something better for it. Going out to the theatre definitely has to be a significantly better experience than what I can get at home, if they want me to pay the ticket price and commute. 😛