By Cheryl Lindo Jones in Picture a Day — Apr 8, 2024 Picture(s) a Day: Apr 8 Happy solar eclipse day! Sadly I didn't have the view of the total solar eclipse where I live, but I captured a few images of the partial eclipse we got. Partway through the eclipse, a bigger "bite" out of the sun visibleI caught these eclipse-shaped shadows on the ground from the sun shining through tree branches. The little gaps among the branches act as a camera obscura, projecting the eclipse image onto the ground.I was going to try to combine two images, this one exposed for the power lines, and another exposed for the sun, but I saw the little eclipse-shaped reflection from the 4 filters attached to my camera that I went ahead and called the photo concept done.This was the full extent of the eclipse we can see from my location. Still cool.Here's a bonus ladybug on a bougainvillea plant that I happened to spy.
Picture a Day Picture a Day: Jan 26 Normally I don't edit pictures taken with #ShittyCameraChallenge cameras because