Picture(s) a Day: Apr 8

The start of the partial solar eclipse in NorCal, with a tiny sliver of darkness obscuring the sun

Happy solar eclipse day! Sadly I didn't have the view of the total solar eclipse where I live, but I captured a few images of the partial eclipse we got.

Partway through the eclipse, a bigger "bite" out of the sun visible
I caught these eclipse-shaped shadows on the ground from the sun shining through tree branches. The little gaps among the branches act as a camera obscura, projecting the eclipse image onto the ground.
Diagonal power lines framing an overexposed eclipse in the middle of the frame, with a smaller, upside-down, eclipse-shaped reflection below the overexposed sun.
I was going to try to combine two images, this one exposed for the power lines, and another exposed for the sun, but I saw the little eclipse-shaped reflection from the 4 filters attached to my camera that I went ahead and called the photo concept done.
The eclipsed sun visible as a wide crescent shape against a black background, ~30% obscured
This was the full extent of the eclipse we can see from my location. Still cool.
Close-up image of a bright red, shiny ladybug sitting on a bougainvillea leaf with other leaves with red and green gradients surrounding
Here's a bonus ladybug on a bougainvillea plant that I happened to spy.