picture a day: mar 6
I was looking at the sky from the backyard to see what I could see, and decided to take this shot of the moon framed by overhead power lines (yup, we still have unburied power lines here 😒). Anyway, I have my old Pentax telephoto on my X-Pro 3, so I have to manually focus. But it's infinity or a little bit backed off of infinity, so it's easy. When I was looking at this photo on my computer, I decided to zoom in to 100% and was kind of amazed at the detail this older lens captured:

The fact that you can see defined craters along the bottom edge of the half moon, pleasantly surprised me. I mean, yes, the X-Pro 3's sensor is also the reason for the captured details, but I guess I didn't think that my manual focusing and dialed-in exposure was accurate enough to make the resulting moon as detailed as this. I have captured good-ish astrophotograpy shots before; I guess not that often? This X-Pro 3 is a good camera. I shouldn't be this surprised, but I was. 😅 And yes, I think I could've captured the moon this well with older cameras, but anyway... yeah! I was pleasantly surprised, so this is today's picture. 🙂