Picture a Day: Jul 27

Close up of a vibrant lily with purplish pink petals, a bright yellow center, and blue accents at its petal tips

We went to the Filoli Art Walk today, an event where various artists and other makers have merch booths at Filoli Gardens. There weren't as many booths as I'd hoped, but I did find one with some cool polymer clay plants to bring home (a succulent and a small cluster of purple clover, pictures later).

Afterwards we walked around Filoli, but it was actually pretty crappy weather – cold, blustery, overcast, and slightly spitting sometimes. Surprising, considering the return of the heat wave earlier in the week. Anyway, it was a nice walk and we found a couple areas with cool flowers to take pictures of. I brought my Panasonic Lumix LX3 and Digital Harinezumi 2. Ever since I resurrected the LX3 I have been reminded what a great carry-anywhere camera it is. I love that it has a specific macro focusing mode.

I have many more photos from the day, but I'll trickle them out over the next few posts (and post them into a gallery on Flickr later).