Picture a Day: Jul 21

Infrared picture of the top of a kalamansi tree against a clear sky and overhead power lines

Ironically I forgot to post a picture yesterday because I was too busy working on archiving a $#!%-ton of photos from an older hard drive before it decides to conk out. 🙄 I worked on the task all day, and later in the evening when we decided to watch a movie, I forgot about the daily post until after 12:30am. :smh:

Anyway, during that time, I found some old infrared image test shots using my Panasonic Lumix LX3, which reminded me that it has IR sensitivity, allowing for infrared shots using just an IR filter. By the time I decided to take a test shot here, the only place where the sun was strong enough, was shining at the top of our kalamansi tree in the backyard. I know this isn't a good picture by any stretch, but it's a successful test of the LX3's IR sensitivity with a Hoya IR filter.

The problem is that there's a significant hot spot in the middle of the frame. When I took a couple other pictures, I thought maybe it was lens flare, but the sun was at my back when I shot this, so it's more likely to be a hot spot. This probably means that the LX3 is not a great IR camera without modification, but I might still play around with IR shots on it anyway.