Picture a Day: Jul 17

Very overexposed overhead picture of an orange tabby on a rug with a geometric pattern

This characteristic "Degi Hari" (it's what shows up in the EXIF for pictures from a Digital Harinezumi camera; it made its own nickname) picture is so blown out, it's more like an implication of my cat Pixel. 😸 If I had cropped in tighter around his upper torso, it would've been even more of an abstract representation. I tried to reframe the picture to get better metering, but gave up and leaned into the incorrect exposure.

Here's a tighter crop that I was talking about above:

A square crop of the previous image, focusing on the cat's upper torso, maximizing the extremely overexposed areas of the picture

Or I could've gone even further:

Even tighter square crop around the cat's head and shoulders, making the image even more abstract
