Ink Swatch Wednesday: Wearingeul Potato of Spring

Brown inks have such a hold on me. They snuck up on me and have latched on such that if I see any sort of brown-shaded ink, I want to try it. Today I stopped at Mai Do this afternoon as a kind of treat for myself for successfully completing a presentation that I've been working on and prepping for the last couple weeks.

I didn't have a particular ink in mind, but I looked at a couple sites to see what Dominant Industry and Wearingeul ink swatches seemed interesting and was reminded of Wearingeul Potato of Spring. From the name alone, it's not really seasonally appropriate, now that the northern hemisphere is moving into fall, but I don't care. The swatch I saw looked interesting, so I decided to pick it up. Happily I don't think it looks like any of the other brown inks I own or have sampled. It's interesting what a variety of browns there are such that many of the ones I've tried don't really overlap with each other. But it feels like some blues, greens, or purples that I've tried sometimes look similar to each other.

Anyway, enough tired rambling; here's the swatch:

Pale tan/beige ink swatch on white paper with the name of the ink written underneath (in the same ink), Wearingeul Potato of Spring, and a scribble underneath the writing using the ink

This is kind of a weird pale tan/beige. I think it's weird enough that my scanner did not get the color right, which required me to adjust the hue, saturation, and brightness of yellows and oranges to be more accurate to the physical swatch. Of course, this looks generally correct on my MacBook Air, but may not look as I described on other devices.

Regardless, I'm interested to get this into a broader nib, perhaps one of my Lamys with the cursive nib. It seems a bit light on this swatch, but I'm still eager to write with it.

Sorry about not having any lookalikes for this post. I think this ink is unique enough that it probably doesn't even resemble any of my other inks, but the reality is that I'm too tired right now to look and/or scan any comparison swatches. 😆😴 Between the social overload of the SF pen show and the effort I put into the presentation I did today, my brain is fried, y'all! Maybe later if I notice any similar inks from my collection, I'll post an update.

In the meantime, what do you all think of this quirky ink? If you're into brown inks, would you pick this one up?