Ink Swatch Wednesday: Sailor Yurameku Kitsune Biyori and Ferris Wheel Press Oyster Hour

Close up of two writing samples for Sailor Kitsune Biyori and Ferris Wheel Press Oyster Hour inks

I don’t know exactly why, but I am in a full-on obsession with brown inks right now. After I had set up my currently inked pens earlier this month, as always happens, I added more inked pens because I couldn’t wait to use certain ink samples I got recently, including Sailor Yurameku Kitsune Biyori. I was concerned that it might be too light in a pen, but it isn’t at all, and right now I love writing with it so much.

Close up of ink swatch for Sailor Yurameku Kitsune Biyori fountain pen ink, a medium beige color with pink undertones

As I mentioned in a previous post, I slept on Sailor Yurameku inks for some reason, and now I want them all! They are so interesting, especially on Tomoe River paper, with their chromoshading and color-changing properties.

I originally inked a pen with Ferris Wheel Press Oyster Hour:

Close up of an ink swatch of Ferris Wheel Press Oyster Hour fountain pen ink, a medium-light tan color with yellow undertones
I can’t help thinking from this ink swatch that it looks like foundation that you put on your face 😆

And I thought having both this and Kitsune Biyori might be too similar, but once I reviewed the swatch and then wrote with it, it was clear that the Sailor ink is a cooler brown, kind of reminding me of cocoa, while the Ferris Wheel Press reminds me more of a latte with maybe more milk than usual. 🙂

Writing sample using Sailor Yurameku Kitsune Biyori ink showing its color and shading properties
“Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent, and original manner possible.” - Richard P. Feynman
Writing sample using the Ferris Wheel Press Oyster Hour ink showing its color and shading properties
“You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.” - Charles Buxton

Both of these colors are really cozy and have nudged my interest in similar-colored fountain pens, like the Hong Dian Milk Tea, Opus 88 Milk Tea, and Kaweco Sport Macchiato. 😅 I would probably prioritize the Opus 88 since I don’t have a pen from that brand yet. But you see how deep the obsession is going…

I’m sure it’ll wear off eventually, and I’ll move on to mossy/swampy/olive greens, one of my other recent obsessions, or maybe swing back to bright shimmer inks again. Who knows? My fountain pen ink whims know no bounds. I have some more brown ink samples or bottled ink coming soon (perhaps even later today), so I’m sure I’ll share more brown swatches in the near future.

Any ink recommendations? Please comment here, or catch me on Mastodon.