A f******* **n in Severance...?!?

Warning, warning, warning! If you haven't watched the latest episode of Severance and don't want to be spoiled about any details, you may want to skip reading this until later.

Update (Feb. 28, 2025): Someone I know posted another guess on Instagram which I think is the pen on Severance. Scroll to the bottom to see.

Very minor maybe spoiler alert (depending on how particular you are about spoilers) for the latest episode of Severance ("Chikhai Bardo") that aired earlier this evening: a character in the show used a fountain pen to write thank you cards for Christmas presents.

The moment I saw a fountain pen nib, I got distracted during the scene and immediately wondered what pen it was. I saw this nib (why is the character holding the fountain pen this way?? ugh) and thought it was shaped like a Platinum nib.

Screen capture of a left hand holding a fountain pen with the top of the nib facing the camera
Excuse the poor image quality; the details of the nib shape are more recognizable if you watch the episode. This is a picture I took of my iPhone screen with a camera since screen captures are blocked!

Do some lefties hold fountain pens like this? It seems like the fountain pen wouldn't work as well since one is technically writing with the reverse of the nib... I also cringed because the character was clearly writing while angry or agitated, so they were treating the pen roughly. 😬

When I saw the shape of the pen upon a quick scene rewatch (which weirdly was shown in full before the scene above), I thought it was a Platinum Izumo Urushi, which is an expensive pen to be rough handling (~$700 USD for lowest-end models)!

Zoomed in on a green (lacquered?) fountain pen sitting on a reflective table top and ink-stained hands in the background
Again, excuse the poor image quality of this picture taken of my iPhone screen

And later on at the end of the scene we see a wide shot of the table with the pen left sitting uncapped (🤦‍♀️).

Wide view of a table with a stack of completed thank you cards in green envelopes, the uncapped green fountain pen, and a peek of a red sleeve on the right of the frame
This is the worst quality image of the ones I took, so it's not that helpful. But again, it's more recognizable if you watch the show yourself.

But since the pen appears to be green, I don't think there's a Platinum Izumo that is this color. The green urushi version is more very dark green with hints of a lighter green at the edges of the cap and body leading to the section.

There's also the gold cap threads that aren't visible in the picture from the show.

So I searched for a gold Nakaya fountain pen because that's the only other fountain pen I know of with a similar cigar shape (there are probably more, don't @ me!). When I saw this in the search results, I thought this could be it!

What do you think? Pretty close, IMO. But these are even more expensive, at $1399 USD (from Nakaya's site)! 🫣

I guess in the grand scheme of money spent on props, $1400 is not that expensive, but sheesh, what a pen to use for a quick scene full of angry writing... 😅 Also, now I'm curious what ink they used. 🤣

Update (Feb 28, 2025): @allthehobbies on Instagram posted a different pen guess which I think may be the pen: Wancher Dream Pen - True Urushi - Green

Looking at the threads, the placement looks pretty spot on. With the Nakaya, there's a small gap between the threads and the rest of the pen body. At around $450 USD, the Wancher pen is still expensive, but not a "grail-level" pen being rough-housed for this scene. Thanks, @allthehobbies! 😀